Friday, December 21, 2007

A recap: Partie Deux

And now for a more personalized recap:

You know you were in BU PIP Fall 2007 if…

  • You have mistaken Francesca for a French person, multiple times.
  • Miryam has taken an awkward and/or unflattering candid picture of you.
  • You’ve wondered how Anna’s camera hasn’t made her hunchback yet.
  • You’ve seen the professors/administration intoxicated at least once.
  • You’ve waited at least 15 minutes when meeting John somewhere.
  • You received a brief synopsis of post-Revolutionary French history via Powerpoint- in 2 classes.
  • You use the word “stage” in your English vocabulary and really confuse people from home.
  • You’ve seen Courtney almost get hit by a bus and not be fazed.
  • You feel part of Marie France’s family, and haven’t even lived with her.
  • You worried about Alise and Emily making it back from break ok.
  • You’ve spoken with Yi about China- past, present, or future.
  • You’ve been conquered by the French keyboard.
  • You know all about Janelle’s love for dance clubs.
  • You’ve abused Jess’ Hospitality major when trying to plan out the night.
  • You’ve debated the semantics of dating and relationships with Caitlin Cragg.
  • You’ve let Brendan sneak into the Metro with you.
  • Robert Crane creeped you out.
  • Caitlin Dugan has told you the importance of watching your belongings after almost getting sliced in Rome.

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