As the semester moves on, I've just gotten back from my first trip outside of France. And let me just say it was quite the adventure. Prague is probably one of the most unique cities I've ever been to- just think a mix of Middle Age castles and architecture along with modern features and LOTS of tourists. We kept trying to find the people who actually lived there and don't know if we ever succeeded. Maybe they just hide well behind the shoppers and picture-takers that crowd the streets.
Saturday we tried to go to the Old Jewish Cemetery in Jewishtown but were turned away when the guard told us it was the Sabbath and you were only allowed in to pray. Why he assumed I
Overall, Prague was a great weekend trip. I think it's definitely doable in three days and I felt like we covered a lot of ground. The language barrier was comical at times, seeing as how at one dinner we asked for three waters and received one tonic water, one sparkling water, and four glasses. Not sure how that came about but that along with almost getting 5 bagels instead of a #5 bagel sandwich made for some good laughs.
Hope all is well with everyone wherever you are. I've gotten some emails/message from people and it's great to hear from you all! Keep me posted on your lives in the States and abroad.
A bientôt!
"The world is a great book...they who never stir from home read only a page." -St. Augustine