Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A few observations

So my first two weeks here have led me to some interesting and insightful observations about Paris, life in the city, and the Parisians themselves:

1. No matter what time of day or where they are going, most Parisian women look like they just stepped out of Project Runway.
2. Parisians love their dogs, especially tiny ones, and will not hesitate to bring them anywhere.
3. Apparently Bosnia is still a hot topic here, because all the gypsies that beg for money seem to be from there.
4. No matter how often I see the Eiffel Tower, its still a bit of a shock for me that I'm actually here.
5. Not everyone hates the glass Pyramid at the Louvre- in fact, most people think it's great.
6. Crepe stands on the street are a gift from God.
7. I don't care what the experts say- the smellier the cheese does not mean the better the cheese. Case in point- Roquefort.
8. Despite popular opinion, I really haven't had many problems with people answering me in English when I ask them something in French. Most are pretty understanding if I make a mistake.
9. Parisians don't hate Americans- they hate tourists (but who doesn't).

So those are my thoughts thus far. Stay tuned for more updates and revelations as they come to me. Also, I'm heading off to Prague this weekend so get pumped for some great pictures and stories!

A bientôt!

"A traveler without knowledge is a bird without wings." -Sa'di

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